Prof. João T. Cabral (Imperial) – Supervisor of Researcher 13: Professor of Soft Matter Engineering, associate director of the Institute of Molecular Science & Engineering, and Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng, UK) Research Chair (2020-25), he has published >100 papers. He has supervised >70 MSc or UG4 students, 11 post-doc scientists, and 32 PhD students (7 recipients of awards, 10 ongoing). Recipient of a RAEng ExxonMobil Excellence in teaching award (2011), a Rector’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and RSC/SCI McBain award 2016. He chairs the Equality, Diversity and Culture committee in Chemical Engineering, and is an LGBT+ speaker, first male recipient of an Elsie Widdowson fellowship at Imperial.