Prof. Nergis Arsu (YTU) – Supervisor of Researcher 1: Full Professor, her current research interests are: synthesis of novel oil and water soluble photoinitiators and their photophysical and photochemical properties and photoinitiation mechanisms, in-situ photochemical preparation and characterization of nanocomposite thin films, and antireflective coatings. She has more than 100 published papers, inventor of 4 patents). She has supervised 27 MSc theses, 8 PhD students, 6 PhD theses are still in progress.
Prof. Meral Aydin (YTU) – Supervisor of Researcher 7: Associate Professor, her current research interests are the study of photopolymerisation kinetics, photoinitiators synthesis and characterization, preparation of nanocomposite thin films. She has published 18 papers and 3 book chapters. She has supervised 5 MSc students.